In a world where plastic is widely used, it may be hard to find ways to not contribute to pollution, but we, fight against plastic, are determined to rid the world of rapidly increasing plastic pollution.

Why should you care about this issue?

Plastic pollution not only affects the lives of animals everywhere on this planet (including us). Many have not been aware of how much exposure to toxic microplastics we get on a day-to-day basis. It's found in the air we breathe, water we drink, even the food we eat. Continued exposure to microplastics puts you at risk for several health issues, and the most valuable thing we have as humans is our health, so we must protect it(it doesn't hurt that we'll be helping mother nature out either.) Not to mention the vast amount of resources used to make plastic, for example, for each water bottle you drink, the amount of water going into making the bottle could be up to six or seven times what's inside the bottle

Image taken from this website.

Plastic wasnt always as widely used as it is now. But we believe that just as plastic has gotten to be so widely used in increments, we can reduce and slowly cut off its use in the same manner. While it seems almost unattainable at the moment, when we unite for an issue real progress can be made. Just look at the whole "save the turtles" movement,plastic straws were scarce after that. We have to now show that same compassion towards this earth and stop the production of materials that we know are harmful for it and its inhabitants.

Image taken from this website.

What can I do to help?

The plastic business is a very lucrative business so it won't exactly be easy to dismantle it but they can't supply a product that has no demand. We encourage all steps to a plastic-free lifestyle, even if it's small. Below are some examples of more enviromentally friendly alternatives to plastic. Here at fight against plastic, we're aware how expensive some alternatives can get. We encourage you to make as many eco-friendly steps as you can, by just using a reusable bag when grocery shopping, you're already making your own little difference in this world.

Image taken from this website.